Monday, 1 June 2020

Know what a Sequential Switcher is and what it does

A Sequential Switcher - known also as Video Switchers

by Pinterest
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Switchers display all time limited views in proper succession. Practical device connects each camera to peripherals in pre-selected sequence.

A Sequential Switcher is a useful gadget capable of connecting automatically each Surveillance camera of a set, one after the other in sequence (therefore sequential) to a video recorder and a monitor.

In principle you could connect each camera to its monitor and to its recorder. Suppose that you want to set up a Surveillance camera system that will use more than a single camera. This makes sense because one camera can see and show only what is visible in front of it. You may want to watch your property from different points of view.

Sequential Switchers, known also as Video Switchers, do just that. They are devices that allow the video signals from different cameras to be displayed on a single monitor and be recorded on a single video cassette recorder (VCR).

Sequential-switchers are available for up to four or up to eight channels, each of which connectable to a different camera. The more cameras are connected, obviously the longer it takes to perform a complete sequence, so that the effective time for viewing the images of each one of the cameras is substantially reduced. There is therefore a trade-off to be considered.

The trade-off is some unavoidable loss of information with Sequential Switchers. It would happen if a meaningful event occurs exactly when the specific camera is not connected. But in general the chance of losing essential views is low and can be reduced further by accessories as described hereafter.

However, if necessary, the regular sequence of Sequential-switchers can be overridden by a signal generated by Motion Detectors to switch on the camera where some action is going on, in preference to all other where the image remains still.

Sequential-switchers will serve equally well Black and White or Color Cameras, and are connected to a CCTV monitor, TV and/or VCR. Connectors are usually BNC jacks or RCA plugs. Normally the scene displayed on the monitor will rotate sequentially from one camera to the next.

The overriding or bypass feature of Sequential-switchers permits to select a single camera for continuous full screen monitoring.  This command can be performed only when viewing in real time. Some of the Sequential-switchers are supplied with a remote control to provide additional flexibility to the user.

Sequential Switcher are essential elements of any system that operates a number of surveillance cameras, as they accomplish the function of putting order in the traffic of multiple video signals.

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image source : Pinterest

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